latest 5 messages by dmj`

+ [2017-01-17T19:49:02Z] dmj` :(
+ [2017-01-17T18:58:11Z] dmj` onto a private repo
+ [2017-01-17T18:58:06Z] dmj` Is it possible to bring someone onto a project and only show them issues, wiki, but not source?
+ [2016-09-23T21:21:57Z] dmj` hey, if a github organization isn't in use, is there a process in place to transfer ownership?
+ [2015-09-24T14:51:43Z] dmj` question, I have two branches 'a' and 'b', I have added new files in 'a', committed them, I then switch to the other branch 'b', it immediately says there are new files and won't let me switch to 'a'. What's a programmer to do